Route 007 - 220km - ca 6hrs

Saturday 23-07-2016 Just out for a little ride. We meet at Roskilde havn 10:00 with a full tank of fuel and after the customary kicking of tyres we ride for 101km and stop for lunch at a sea side restaurant in Karrebæksminde. We then ride East towards PræstøFjord, past Faxe and then North again arriving at Roskilde havn again for 16:00 to see how those chicken strips are doing :)
Tour Route 007 - 220km - ca 6hrs image
Tourstart plan ride share logo
karrebæksminde, vinstrup, kisserup, smidstrup, tystrup sø, præstøfjorden, just, roskilde, karreb, east, pr, fjord, faxe, north