FL Northern Half Grand Tour


Northern Florida has comfortable riding temperatures from November to April, but can get uncomfortably hot and humid in the summer. While the occasional winter cold front may see temperatures dip into the 40s at night, daytime temperatures in the 70s are the norm. Florida topographies include rides within sight of the Gulf of Mexico on the west coast and the Atlantic Ocean on the east. Further inland, near Ocala, large state forests offer long rides through undeveloped Florida horse ranch country, with mild curves and rolling hills. East of Ocala and north of Orlando is the Florida lakes region, with many roads skirting shorelines and following rivers. While northern Florida riding may not be as challenging as in other states, it does offer a variety of landscapes over its 160-mile width from coast to coast.

Roads & Biking

Roads of every type are typically well maintained, periodically re-paved, and freshly painted. There are fewer areas for dual-sport riding, but riders with touring bikes, sport tourers, baggers, and cruisers will all find pleasant traveling here. Roads through protected state forests and ranch country in Florida’s interior can be long and unpopulated, sometimes with more than 50 miles between towns, so plan fuel stops accordingly. Although cloudless high pressure days are common in Florida’s winter months, the weather can change quickly, and good rain gear is a necessity. Roads and even highways along the unpopulated areas of both coasts are especially appealing, with views of turquoise blue water meeting blue skies at the horizon.


Visit Florida


Cedar Key


Apalachicola Bay


Crescent Beach & St. Augustine


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overview, northern, florida, november, april, gulf, mexico, atlantic, ocean, ocala, orlando, roads, biking